5 Reasons to Use VPN for Gaming | Hello VPN Blog
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5 Reasons to Use VPN for Gaming

A good VPN will not only keep your data and browsing secure from spying eyes but will also let you change your IP address. Every gamer knows that having a Static IP Address is almost necessary for competitive online gaming.

A Static IP Address, or as gamers call it, Stat-IP, will ensure that you will always be assigned the same virtual place in the game world (your home position). All your actions like building or collecting will be done from that place.

If there is any lag, random packet drops. If your data gets delayed, your home position will be affected and the game world with it. You need a good VPN to improve your connection stability and reduce lag.

1-Can You Get 0 Pings With a VPN?
2-What Is The Best Free VPN For Gaming?
3-Which Country VPN Is Best For PUBG?
4-How Are VPNs Tested?
5-Can VPNs Really Work With Online Games?

Can You Get 0 Pings With a VPN?

Yes, only if you are physically close enough to use it. If your current connection is bad, it will get better with the help of a VPN but not as good as if you had a low ping in the first place.

One of the things that cause high ping time is geographical distance, and VPN can’t help much here.

But there are instances where VPN can help lower ping time. For instance, you can use VPN to encrypt your connection when there’s a time when some ISPs do bandwidth throttling.

VPN can also help lower ping time when there’s a bottleneck in a server. But this will only work if you use a VPN server located in the same country as your gaming machine. This is because local networks usually share much more bandwidth with each other than international connections.

What Is The Best Free VPN For Gaming?

You don’t need to pay much to enjoy the best gaming experience with your VPN. Hello VPN provides you with an Unlimited Free VPN account.

Hello VPN is the best free VPN for gaming because it doesn’t have any bandwidth restrictions. You’re free to enjoy your favorite games without worrying about lag or ping spikes.

The VPN allows you to play on a more competitive server, leading to better game performance. You get the opportunity to improve your skills or play in a more populated server without having to wait in the queue. And all these are free of charge.

Which Country VPN Is Best For PUBG?

There are over 200 servers around the world. Hello VPN servers offer high speed, unlimited bandwidth, and more than 3200 servers in total.

Hello VPN is one of the best VPNs for PUBG because it’s fast and allows you to use UDP to play your favorite game without any lag. A good thing about UDP is that it provides very fast connection speed and some security as well.

UDP is a user data protocol that functions on a very high operating system level. It doesn’t have complicated encryption involved, so it provides faster speeds than TCP connections.

Another reason for choosing Hello VPN is that you can choose from more than 30 countries to use the VPN, and you can use UDP while choosing your country.

The current list of countries includes the USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Australia, and more than thirty other countries.

How Are VPNs Tested?

VPNs are tested by comparing the speed before and after connecting to a VPN server. There are different elements that influence VPN speed, including the distance of the server you are connected to, your ISP speed, and some other factors.

VPN for gaming is tested by comparing the ping rate before and after connecting to the VPN. Ping test is done on game servers, which means that you get an average ping rate for each game server. The key factor here is connection reliability because your connection might be stable when directly connected but not while using VPN.

Can VPNs Really Work With Online Games?

VPN is not only compatible with online games; you can also use it for your other devices like smart TV or Xbox.

But VPNs that work with online games usually provide the best speed and the lowest latency to game servers. This means that you get low ping time while playing your favorite game.

A good thing about using VPNs for gaming is that you get better bandwidth. This means that your traffic is processed faster, so you get low latency while playing online games, which eventually leads to lower ping time.