4 Most Popular Social Media Apps Work in Dubai | Hello VPN Blog
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4 Most Popular Social Media Apps Work in Dubai

Dubai and UAE as a whole have strict internet restrictions. There are social media sites that don’t work in this country, and if you plan on moving here, you need to be prepared either with a VPN or completely forget about those apps. 

Good examples of apps that have limited functionality in Dubai are Whatsapp and Skype. In order to bypass these restrictions, you need a good VPN such as Hello VPN to unblock the voice and video call capabilities of these apps in Dubai. 

The social media world is not blocked here altogether because there are still several social media apps that work under strict regulations. These are apps such as Facebook and Twitter.

In this article, we’re going to explore the social media world in Dubai to tell you the apps that work and those that don’t. With the information, you can prepare yourself with a VPN if you must access these sites.

1-Is FB available in Dubai?
2-Is Twitter banned in Dubai?
3-Is Tinder banned in Dubai?
4-Does Tinder work with VPN?
5-Get Hello VPN

Is FB available in Dubai?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media sites in Dubai. However, the social media site has undergone a lot of restrictions when it comes to usage. 

There are sections of this app that the government believes to promote immoral behavior and some form of violence. These sections are banned in Dubai, and you’ll find yourself in trouble with the law if found using them.

When using Facebook in Dubai, there are some rules you’re supposed to follow, which include;

  • Not posting content that results in hate speech, incites violence, or contain graphic violence
  • You should not operate any app containing alcohol-related content, dating content, or other mature content
  • You should not post any content that is contrary to public morals
  • You should not harass, bully, or intimidate others

Is Twitter banned in Dubai?

Like Facebook, Twitter is available in Dubai, but users must adhere to strict rules when using the social media app. When using Twitter, you must adhere to all the moral guidelines and act accordingly. 

You’re not allowed to use Twitter to spread hate speech, post threatening content or graphic violence, or post any content that’s offensive to the government. 

You should also refrain from tweeting content that is contrary to the principles of Islam or public morals.

Is Tinder banned in Dubai?

Dubai has strict rules when it comes to dating Internet content. Such content is believed to be against public morals and the principles of Islam. 

Use of dating sites such as Tinder is completely banned in the country because premarital relationships are considered immoral and illegal. Therefore, you need a reliable VPN such as Hello VPN to access Tinder in Dubai.

Does Tinder work with VPN?

If you must use dating apps such as Tinder in Dubai, you need to ensure you get additional protection such as a VPN so you don’t end in the wrong hands of the law. 

A good VPN such as Hello VPN will give you the anonymity that you need to access Tinder in Dubai and enjoy meeting singles. 

Use a good VPN to unlock Tinder on any Wi-Fi. You can also connect your server to a country you need to change your location to and meet with singles everywhere in the world. Make sure you use a good VPN for this.

Get Hello VPN

While many social media apps are either restricted or blocked in Dubai, it doesn’t mean you can’t access them completely. Technology has made even the impossible possible, and you can access unrestricted Facebook, Twitter, and Tinder using VPN

Hello VPN is the most secure and reliable VPN that you can use to unblock these social media apps in Dubai. This is the best VPN to use for those who stay in Dubai or just visiting for a short vacation.