Robin Li, a co-founder of Baidu claims the progression of AI | Hello VPN Blog
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Robin Li, a co-founder of Baidu claims the progression of AI

CEO of Baidu Inc. gave a speech at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference on July 9. Robin Li highlighted the development of AI by Baidu which may provide potential help in fighting Covid-19, economic stagnation, and unemployment.

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The chief executive mentioned that China’s “New Infrastructure” plan can be considered as “ the largest – scale infrastructure engineering project” assisting intelligent transformation. He also mentioned Baidu’s plans on deploying 5 million intelligent cloud services and training 5 million AI experts in 5 years.

Li claimed that it’s easy to be pessimistic at this AI beginning development stage, but he also mentioned AI successful results, which exist already. For example, the LinearFold algorithm (developed by Baidu), which might be able to predict how the virus changes, therefore it  allows taking early preventative actions. Robin Li also mentioned temperature screening system and autonomous vehicles, which reduce cross-infection. 

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With regard to AI prognosis, Robin Li said AI will come through three main stages of progress: intelligent transformation of technology, economy and society.

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Source: ChinaDaily