What is the Future of VPNs? | Hello VPN Blog
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What is the Future of VPNs?


1-What is the Most Advanced VPN?
2-Are VPNs End to End?
3-Are VPNs Still Necessary in 2022?
4-Will VPNs Become Obsolete?

Right here and now, privacy and security online are everything. With our data constantly under scrutiny, finding solutions to help us browse with privacy makes sense. Thankfully, services such as HelloVPN are here to help make internet activity more private. But where does the technology lead – and what can we expect from VPNs in the near future?

Ultimately, the future of privacy and security needs is swaying more and more towards all-over encryption. Therefore, the most useful VPNs will ensure that data is fully protected at both ends of the chain!

What is the Most Advanced VPN?

Providing end to end encryption as standard, HelloVPN is the most advanced VPN of its kind online. Rather than simply encrypting data when it reaches VPN servers, all data sent and received is kept private. We can easily support this advanced level of data protection while providing exceptional speeds across multiple global servers.

HelloVPN offers twenty server locations across the globe and is dedicated to increasing the number that users can select from. Add to that 24/7 customer support, and you are covered for setup advice and problem solving solutions.

Are VPNs End to End?

Not all VPNs offer end to end encryption – however, it’s fast becoming the recommended standard. Without end-to-end encryption or protection, your data is at risk of leaking in transit. 

An end to end VPN – such as HelloVPN – will provide encryption and decryption power to the users alone. Right this moment, it remains the most secure way to:

  • Browse the web
  • Stream video and audio online
  • Communicate with friends and family
  • Store and retrieve data in the cloud
  • Play online games

As such, when it comes to the future of VPNs, don’t be surprised if end-to-end encryption becomes a standard process. We believe this should undoubtedly be the case moving forward – and intend to set a very clear example!

Are VPNs Still Necessary in 2022?

Yes – unfortunately, if you browse or share data without a VPN, it’s at risk of getting intercepted. Non-VPN browsing leaves your location and any data you use open to hacking and external oversight. Therefore, to truly remain anonymous online, you will need more than a private window in your browser!

Some may argue that VPNs are losing importance due to increasing security in native apps across the board. However, this is never something you should rely on. End to end encryption is witnessing fast adoption outside of VPNs, too – but that doesn’t mean they are unnecessary.

Will VPNs Become Obsolete?

It’s extremely unlikely that VPNs will become obsolete in the short term. In fact, even in the long run, having access to your own private ‘cloak’ will still prove convenient. Yes – programs, apps, and IM platforms are becoming more secure – and that’s excellent news. However, can you ever truly ensure that international agencies aren’t spying on your activity?

What about the risk of hacking? Hackers will always find a way to overcome technology to get what they want. Therefore, it’s crucial to keep backing up your activity with a VPN that’s evolving with the times. Otherwise, you’re at the mercy of a huge amount of risk.


HelloVPN is leading the way for a new standard in online privacy. We believe everyone has the right to keep activity private – and end-to-end encryption is the answer.

We want to make sure users feel safe online. Whether playing online games, chatting with friends, or discussing business matters, choose HelloVPN for complete, all-around protection.